Compile COAWST on Cheyenne

These compilation instructions are adapted from the set up COAWST model document provided by Jose.

Download the source code from the GitHub repository

cd /glade/work/$USER/git
git clone
git checkout -b dart_test
Switched to a new branch 'dart_test'

Build the MCT libraries

Use configure to create a makefile for MCT:

module list
Currently Loaded Modules:
1) ncarenv/1.3    3) ncarcompilers/0.5.0   5) netcdf/4.8.1   7) nco/5.0.3
2) intel/19.1.1   4) mpt/2.25              6) ncl/6.6.2
[ ...  ]
config.status: creating Makefile.conf
Please check the Makefile.conf
Have a nice day!

Copy the compiled mpeu library into the mct directory:

cp mpeu/libmpeu.a mct/

Edit files in the compiler directory

cd $COAWST_ROOT/Compilers

227    MCT_INCDIR ?= /glade/work/$USER/git/COAWST/Lib/MCT/mct
228    MCT_LIBDIR ?= /glade/work/$USER/git/COAWST/Lib/MCT/mct

Copy the build script into the project directory

For this example, we will be using the Inlet test project included in COAWST, since its CPPDEFS are similar to those used for Jose’s Sanibel Island domain.

cd $COAWST_ROOT/Projects/Inlet_test
cp ../../coawst.bash ./

Edit the setup script to declare the location of the COAWST installation

vim coawst.bash
132 export   MY_ROOT_DIR=/glade/work/johnsonb/git/COAWST

Edit the project’s header script to output verification observations


ROMS should be configured to output a data assimilation restart file, named the file in order to provide verification observations for DART. DART refers to the ROMS verification observations as “precomputed forward operators.” For more information on this capability, read the ROMS upgrade ticket description for 4D-Var or EnKF initial/restart file, ROMS depths, Observations.

In order to configure ROMS to output the file, the CPP-preprocessing ENKF_RESTART option must be set in the project’s header file.

vim Coupled/inlet_test.h

Run the setup script

chmod 777 coawst.bash
qsub -X -I -l select=1:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=36 -l walltime=01:00:00 -q regular -A $DARES_PROJECT
./coawst.bash -j 36

Edit the configuration files

The coupling_<COAWST project name>.in file, in this case the file, should set the number of processors allocated to each of the component models in the experiment.


Using the term “Nodes” here is a misnomer. In actuality, the user is setting the number of processors for each component model.

This experiment is being run on a single node of Cheyenne, which has 36 processors. There are two component models, ROMS and SWAN, so NnodesWAV and NnodesOCN should be set in a manner that adds up to 36.

vim Coupled/
41   NnodesWAV =  11                    ! wave model
42   NnodesOCN =  25                    ! ocean model
[ ... ]
61    WAV_name = /glade/work/$USER/git/COAWST/Projects/Inlet_test/Coupled/      ! wave model
62    OCN_name = /glade/work/$USER/git/COAWST/Projects/Inlet_test/Coupled/     ! ocean model

Since 25 processors were set for NnodesOCN in the file, the product of NtileI and NtileJ in the ocean_<COAWST project name.>.in file, in this case the file, should equal 25.

vim Coupled/
111    NtileI == 5                                ! I-direction partition
112    NtileJ == 5                                ! J-direction partition

Running the executable

Now that those configuration files are set, the executable can be run.

mpirun -np 36 ./coawstM Projects/Inlet_test/Coupled/
[ ... ]
Model Input Parameters:  ROMS/TOMS version 3.9
                         Wednesday - December 7, 2022 -  1:37:22 PM
[ ... ]
ROMS/TOMS: DONE... Wednesday - December 7, 2022 -  1:40:34 PM
ls -lart
[ ... ]
[ ... ]

COAWST runs properly and outputs an restart file.